The CFC 2.0 is a budget-friendly vaporizer with fast heat up time, full digital temperature control, a pocketable size, respectable clouds and a free water pipe adapter.
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Page 7 - Reviews & Guides
The miniVAP vaporizer first released in 2010 as a high end, fully convection desktop vape. From the mind of Jorge Fernandez in Spain, the miniVAP was a mythical beast at $900 - out of reach for m...
PAX has a great smartphone app giving you more control. Many of the features are pretty self-explanatory and easy to use, but a few of them can be a little confusing and that’s what we’re here for....
We’ve rounded up the smallest vaporizers we carry, to bring you the closest thing to a dry herb vape pen.
Vape your way with the simple, easy to use PAX Plus vaporizer. Tasty or cloudy sessions are just a click away!
The Solo 2 has better airflow, longer battery life, quicker heat up time, and a slew of other features.
Follow along as these two Arizer portables go head-to-head to see which one reigns victorious.
Are the latest PAX Plus and PAX Mini dry herb vaporizers worth picking up? Let’s dive in and decide.
How does the latest PAX Plus dry herb vaporizer stack up against the tried-and-true PAX 3? Let's find out.